Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Year 5 Unit 9 Part 3

Remember dialog.
Waiter: Hello, What would you like?
Customer: May I please have the spaghetti.
Waiter: Yes

When the waiter gives the customer the food they want
Waiter: Here you are.
Customer: Thank you.
Waiter: You’re welcome.

We will practice the dialog using halves of the class, and then Have students get into pairs, One person will be the waiter, one person will be the customer.

Remember sports
We will play zombie game
概要:児童はゾンビになって "I like ___.""I like ___ too"  "I don`t like ___の使い方を話し練習します。

  • 単語のフラッシュカード
  1. 単語のフラッシュカードで言葉を練習してから、HRTと一緒にゲームのやり方を示す。
  2. 3つまたは4つの種類の言葉のフラッシュカードを黒板に貼り、児童に10秒以内でフラッシュカードのどれか好きな言葉を選ばせる。
  3. ゲームの目的は児童がゾンビのように教室を歩き回って、ジャンケンをする相手を探し、勝負をする。
    • A: "I like soccer.
    • B: "I like baseball."     *ジャンケン* (B が勝つ)
    • A: "I like baseball too."   ジャンケンに負けた児童は勝った児童と同じフレーズを繰り返して 「too」をつける。
  4. ジャンケンに負けた児童に勝った児童が"かまれた"ということになる。そして、負けた児童の単語は、勝った児童の単語と同じものに変わって、他のゾンビに伝染する。
    • A: "I like baseball."
    • C: "I like tennis."    *ジャンケン* (A が勝つ)
    • C: "I like baseball too."
  5. 二人は同じことを言った場合は、ジャンケンをしない。
    • B: "I like baseball."
    • C: "I like baseball too."
  6. ゲームの終わりに、同じ言葉に伝染したゾンビが何人いるかを数える。

If we have extra time We will play kitty in the corner
Play Kitty in the corner
I will put 4 cards in corners of the room. I will have small copies of the flash cards in a hat. Each student in the class needs to go to a corner of the class. I will pick a card and say It’s _____ all the students in that corner must sit down. All the students must now go to a new corner. (They cannot stay in the corner they were in)
I will pick a new card and say
When there are 4 or less students left the students cannot go to the corner with another student in it. The game will continue until there is only 1 champion. They get the champion hat, and will be the next card reader.
(Students must move quickly in this game, if they move too slowly from corner to corner, they will be out)

Year 5 Unit 9 Part 2

Students should Cut out and bring the flashcards from pages 53 and 54.

What would you like?

May I please have _____

Sample dialog.
Waiter: Hello, What would you like?
Customer: May I please have the spaghetti.
Waiter: Yes

When the waiter gives the customer the food they want
Waiter: Here you are.
Customer: Thank you.
Waiter: You’re welcome.

We will practice the dialog by having half the class be the waiters, and half the class be the customer.

Cake game:
Students must guess my secret card.
I will put 6 cards on the board, and then roll a secret die. Two teams will take turn trying guess which card it is by practicing saying.
              Team 1 (all together): What would you like?
              Team 2 (all together): May I please have _____ ßGuess
If Team 2 gets it right, they move up towards the cake, if they get it wrong it is now team 1’s turn to guess.

Make Believe:
Get into groups of 4 one person will be the waiter, the other three will be the customers. Students will practice doing the dialog. Student will use the menu on Pages 38 and 39 to decide on food, the waiters will give them the cut out food when they order.

Year 6 Unit 8 Part 2

Goal: I want to be a ….
Students need Colored pencils, glue and scissors.

Today we will start making posters about ourselves, This will help us review what we have learned, I want each of the students to be able to talk about themselves.

Part 1
Review: I want to be a ______
              Use the flashcards from last week to review the I want to be _________

Part 2
Self posters
The students have learned a lot, it is now time for each of them to Practice talking about themselves
Each student will make a poster, While they are making a poster, I will make sure I understand what they want to be (Job)
At the end of Chapter 8 each of the students will show their posters to the class and say
My name is ____
I can _____
I like _____
I don’t like _____
I want to be a _________

Good Bye Games

Good Bye Party Games

Play Kitty in the corner
I will put 4 flash cards in corners of the room. I will have small copies of the flash cards in a hat. Each student in the class needs to go to a corner of the class. I will pick a card and say “I can’t _____” all the students in that corner must sit down. All the students must now go to a new corner. (They cannot stay in the corner they were in)
I will pick a new card and say “I can’t _____”
When there are 4 or less students left the students cannot go to the corner with another student in it. The game will continue until there is only 1 champion. They get the champion hat, and will be the next card reader.
(Students must move quickly in this game, if they move too slowly from corner to corner, they will be out)

. Call out the number with the target set and have the students form groups based on that number. After they have formed their groups have them sit down.

Janken Tournament

Zombie game
概要:児童はゾンビになって "I like ___.""I like ___ too"  "I don`t like ___の使い方を話し練習します。

  • 単語のフラッシュカード
  1. 単語のフラッシュカードで言葉を練習してから、HRTと一緒にゲームのやり方を示す。
  2. 3つまたは4つの種類の言葉のフラッシュカードを黒板に貼り、児童に10秒以内でフラッシュカードのどれか好きな言葉を選ばせる。
  3. ゲームの目的は児童がゾンビのように教室を歩き回って、ジャンケンをする相手を探し、勝負をする。
    • A: "I like soccer.
    • B: "I like baseball."     *ジャンケン* (B が勝つ)
    • A: "I like baseball too."   ジャンケンに負けた児童は勝った児童と同じフレーズを繰り返して 「too」をつける。
  4. ジャンケンに負けた児童に勝った児童が"かまれた"ということになる。そして、負けた児童の単語は、勝った児童の単語と同じものに変わって、他のゾンビに伝染する。
    • A: "I like baseball."
    • C: "I like tennis."    *ジャンケン* (A が勝つ)
    • C: "I like baseball too."
  5. 二人は同じことを言った場合は、ジャンケンをしない。
    • B: "I like baseball."
    • C: "I like baseball too."
  6. ゲームの終わりに、同じ言葉に伝染したゾンビが何人いるかを数える。

Art Critic (Reviews: vocabulary)
3 students will be chosen to be judges, they will go to the back of the class, they must face the back wall. They are not allowed to know who the artists are.
3 artists will be chosen, their identity must remain a secret. They will each be given space on the chalkboard to draw. I will tell them what to draw, and then start the timer, they only get 10 seconds to draw. When the time is up all the artists must go sit back down, the judges will then be given 10 seconds to choose their favorite drawing. When they have chosen, They will say “I like #”. The student of the chosen picture is the winner, they get to wear the winner hat, and choose 4 people to be the judge with them. Many rounds can be played.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Year 5 Unit 9 Part 1

Year 5 Unit 9 Part 1

Students should Cut out and bring the flashcards from pages 53 and 54.
Part 1
What would you like?
We will learn how to order in a restaurant today.
Students should get out the flash cards from page
We will practice the naming the food in on the cards.

Sample dialog.
Waiter: Hello, What would you like?
Customer: May I please have the spaghetti.
Waiter: Yes

When the waiter gives the customer the food they want
Customer: Thank you.
Waiter: You’re welcome.

We will practice the dialog by having half the class be the waiters, and half the class be the customer.

We will get into groups of 4, one team member will pretend to be the waiter, and the others will pretend to be customers. Each student should take a turn being the waiter.

Part 2
Review What would you like…
Review On ____ I study______

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Year 5 Unit 8 Part 2

Year 5 Unit 8 Part 2

Review- Emotions
Remember Happy, sad, angry, …

Review- Days of the week using flash cards

Part 1-Play partner Karuta

Learn to say On _______ I _____
Learn activities
              Study English
              Study Math….
If this is really easy for the students add in sports

Team game:
Have the students listen to me, and compete to see who can put the cards on the board correctly first

Year 5 Unit 8 Part 1

Year 5 Unit 8 Part 1
Days of the week
Review emotions,
Sing the Hello song together.

New material
Learn the days of the week using flashcards.

After practicing the days of the week a few times (making sure the students understand the order) we will go through the class and have each student say the next day. We will time it, and then have the students try to beat the time next time.

Days of the week go fish
Each student starts with 3 cards, it is their goal to have 0 cards
When a student gets a pair, they put the cards down.
Students will go in a circle, when it is their turn they will choose another person, and say the day of the week they want.